
Member of CETAPS
Researcher at FCSH - Nova University of Lisbon
The reason why I also share my research work is because I believe that lifelong learning helps us to be better professionals, better citizens and better people.
Understanding, empathy and motivation to excel are skills that are learned through the humility of putting ourselves in the place of the other, in this case in the place of the student, the learner. And in research we are always learning and discovering new paths that I directly or indirectly transport to my classes.
Additionally, I am working on my PhD thesis in Modern Literature and Culture. I love sharing what I learn, which is why I'm building a path in the research area by publishing articles, participating in conferences and participating in editorial projects.
Ongoing Projects
Bridges between Fictional Narratives and Science in the 21st Century (BFS21)
Research project founded in January 2020 intertwining Cetaps’s Research Strand A – Science and Culture and Research Strand B- Literature and the Media. This study, published on a website created for the purpose, lists and analyzes all Anglo-Saxon fictional narratives – starting from the year 2000 – that somehow establish a bridge between literature and science in the anglophone world.
The differentiating factor of this project is to offer scholars and researchers an insight into the way literature portrays science in the 21st century, presenting a new generation of writers that offer a fresh perspective over the multiple relationships established between fictional narratives and science.

Conferences and Publications
International Conference Participation - ESSE 2022 seminar “Translating and Analysing Charles Darwin and Darwinism in(to) European languages (1859-2022)
Presentation of the paper “Darwin’s Selection of Masterpieces. The Origin of Portuguese Translations and their voyage in time”
International Conference Participation - Anglo-Portuguese Studies III: a tribute to Professor Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, MBE (1932-2021)
Presentation of the paper “Robinson Crusoe’s tainted translations for Portuguese young readers in the Estado Novo (1933-1974)”.
Symposium Participation - New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies IV
Presentation of the paper “A Tradução do Hedonismo em O Retrato de Dorian Gray: O Dândi de Januário Leite vs O Fausto de Margarida Vale de Gato” (“The Translation of hedonism in The Picture of Dorian Gray: Januário Leite’s Dandy vs Margarida Vale de Gato’s Faust”)
International Conference Participation - Fictionalisations of Science in the Anglophone World V
Presentation of the paper “How Fiction bridged Science in the Eighteenth Century: Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe”
Article Publication - Translation Matters Journal
“A Tradução do hedonismo em O Retrato de Dorian Gray: O Dândi de Januário Leite vs o Fausto de Margarida Vale de Gato” (“The Translation of hedonism in The Picture of Dorian Gray: Januário Leite’s Dandy vs Margarida Vale de Gato’s Faust”). Article here.
International Conference Participation - “Over The Moon. Representations of the Moon in Literature, Science and the Arts”
Presentation of the paper “Observing from the Moon. Eighteenth century England through Defoe’s magnifying glasses in The Consolidator”
Article Publication - Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies
“Virgínia Woolf em Portugal: As Questões de Género em Duas Traduções Portuguesas de Orlando” (“Virginia Woolf in Portugal: Gender Issues in Two Portuguese Translations of Orlando”) - Article here.
Symposium Participation - “New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies III”
Presentation of the paper “Orlando, de Virgínia Woolf. As questões de género presentes em duas traduções” (“Virginia Wolf’s Orlando. The Presence of Gender in two different translations”).
Conference organization “Primeiros Passos para a Mudança na Educação do Séc. XXI” (First Steps towards Educational Change in the 21st Century) at the Arts Faculty – Lisbon University.
This conference had the goal of discussing the essence of the bilingual educational system of Astoria International School (founded in 2009) based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.