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Language Coaching

Language coaching is learning a language by using:

With this method:

Área Reservada 2 - Rita Brettes
Área Reservada 3 - Rita Brettes

Since the learner’s profile and his/her needs are abysmally different, it is imperative to adapt teaching strategies to respond to the development of the four language skills, namely oral and written comprehension, and oral and written production. It is equally important to respond to students' everyday needs, whether they be building and reviewing documents and presentations, public speaking, Media interviews, meeting interactions, or even building rapport and ice-breakers in a language contrary to their native one.

Consequently, being aware of the reduced time that students have, the optimization of learning time is created taking into account the objectives and key results to be achieved (OKR) adapting the lesson themes to their business area, which is pre-established in the diagnostic meeting.