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imagem de destaque do artigo Sim, tu consegues da página de Rita Brettes

Feeling confident that you are capable is the key to success. If you want to learn to speak a new language or feel that professional need to progress in your career, the first step is to research the best way to do it.

There are several options:

  • Group lessons
  • Individual lessons
  • face-to-face classes
  • Online Courses

Whatever your choice is, the first step is to start taking classes, the rest of the way is done with the commitment to learn. The preconceived ideas that “I am too old!”, “I am no longer able to learn!”; “I was never good at languages!”; “I have such a busy professional life that it prevents me from fitting classes into my schedule!” are mental noises that must be silenced with, “What is best for me? What benefit do I have if I commit myself to learning?”. That's why I often say that there are no bad learners, there are just a multitude of paths that lead us to successful learning, it's up to you and your teacher to choose the best coordinate to get there!