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“Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.”

Leonardo Da Vinci

“Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.”

Leonardo Da Vinci


to my digital home where I celebrate 20 years in Education.

As a Business English and Portuguese as a Foreign Language teacher, I always think about the best way to motivate students and how to meet their learning needs through Language Coaching strategies.

While teaching executives at the top of their careers, it is vital to focus on a differentiated teaching that responds to the students' objectives in their specific business area, with a view to achieving their OKRs (Objective and Key Results) that allow the student to profit from the little time they have to dedicate themselves to learning a new language. That's why nine years ago it was natural to me to combine knowledge of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) and Coaching strategies with Teaching.

Sobre Mim - Rita Brettes

Learn to better teach

To better teach, I feel that I have to be an eternal student. Thus, I do not define myself only as a teacher, but also as a researcher, member of CETAPS. It is with enthusiasm that I develop my work in the areas of translation studies, literary studies and comparative literary studies at FCSH at Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

My Career Path

If you are curious to know more about my professional path, click here.

What I love doing

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

Portuguese as a Foreign Language

Enabling integration into Portuguese professional and social life, as well as leading, communicating and motivating teams in Portuguese

Business English

Knowing how to communicate in a professional context in meetings, presentations and negotiations

Research in Translation and Modern Literature

Paper Publication, Participation in Conferences and Publishing Projects.


"Classes with Rita were a breath of fresh air. Decompressing all the pressure felt during working hours started to make perfect sense a few classes after we started our course. No doubt there should be more classes like the ones I took with Rita. Simple, didactic, motivating, and above all with sensed results after a few months. I strongly recommend it. Can't wait for more sessions!"
"In addition to being a good teacher, Rita has a great ability to adapt to the personality and interests of the student, and she always finds relevant topics so that the class is as effective as it is enjoyable. I miss our conversations about the world’s evolution!"
"When I arrived to live in Lisbon, I thought it would be easy to understand Portuguese because Spanish was my mother tongue. Very quickly I learned that I was wrong. I was lucky to have Rita as a teacher. She helped me with grammar, sounds and conversation classes and also with getting to know Lisbon and Portugal. I think she has very professional qualities because she quickly understands what the students' needs are and can focus the lessons that in way"
"It's fantastic to see someone doing what they love most. Your passion for education is inspiring because you don't just teach, you motivate us to learn and be better every day. It is a privilege to have you as a teacher.Thank you very much!!"
"Thank you Rita for giving me the motivation and enjoyment in learning the English language, which before was always difficult for me. It goes without saying that I really enjoyed our classes, conversations and meeting a person as well-educated as Rita, not just academically. Rita is a really good person :)"
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Cliente TAP Portugal - website Rita Pereira Brettes